Rebecca Vaadia

Former grad student

Rebecca was born and raised in New York City. She received her bachelor's degree in Biology from Wesleyan University, where she studied song learning in Zebra Finches. She then spent a year at the NIH campus in Bethesda studying neuropeptidergic circuits in Drosophila. She returned to New York City to pursue her Ph.D in the Grueber lab, where she is studying proprioceptive circuit development and function. Rebecca was an NSF Graduate Fellow.


*Vaadia, R.D, *Li, W., Voleti, V., Singhania, A., #Hillman E.M.C., and #Grueber, W.B. (#co-corresponding) Characterization of proprioceptive system dynamics in behaving Drosophila larvae using high-speed volumetric microscopy. Curr Biol (2019) 29:935-944.